Notcoin, a new Telegram-linked project with a “Tap-to-Earn” mechanic, has been experiencing a meteoric rise in price since its launch in mid-June. However, analysts are urging caution despite the impressive gains.
The token’s price has skyrocketed by 150% since the beginning of the week. This surge follows a period of double-digit losses but has yet to deter investors.
CCN analysts believe Notcoin is currently in the “first wave” of a five-wave price pump. While the price may fluctuate in the coming days, predictions suggest it could reach $0.026, more than double its launch price of $0.012.
Despite the bullish predictions, analysts are advising investors to be cautious. The rapid price increase could signal a bubble, and a correction could be imminent. The project’s Telegram-linked nature also raises concerns about potential manipulation and lack of decentralization.
Investors should carefully research Notcoin before investing, considering its short history and potential risks. It’s essential to understand the mechanics of the “Tap-to-Earn” game and its long-term sustainability.
Notcoin’s future remains uncertain; only time will tell if it can maintain its current momentum.